Thursday, November 8, 2007

Re write Activity #9

The invention of the camera bought about many changes in visual art. Before camera, paintings, sculptures, and drawings were created by artists to record appearances and events; record history. (219) The use of photography was seen as freeing painting and sculpture from the task of recording history. (219) This is especially seen in the photos taken by John Heartfield of the political turnoil going on in the 1920s and 1930z. His photo created factual proof of what was going on during the war.

To have a painting done was very expensive. Therefore, the only people who were able to afford to have their image recorded was the rich. With the invention of cameras, it allowed ordinary people the opportunity to have their portrait recorded. Having their portrait taken was a luxury that they never had before. Cameras also allowed artists to get closer to their subjects, take pictures of moving images, as well as being able to capture light in a certain way creating perspective. Because of the use of cameras, painters such as Paul Cezanne, changed the way they painted by chopping the figures, showing the brush strokes, and using more color. In addition, cameras allowed artists the ability to reproduce the same artwork several times without them being different. Artists for the first time were able to record images of landscapes and cityscapes without fear of the image changing before the picture could be completed. Before camera, the artist would have their subject sit for days, sometimes for weeks or months as he or she worked to compose and execute a scene of daily life. (216) With the cameras, the subject only had to sit for a short period of time and the picture would be done.

1 comment:

Anne Brew said...

so the work was more expressive then wasn't it?